Dr. Organic Toothpaste with Organic Tea Tree 100ml

Dr. Organic

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Toothpaste with Organic Tea Tree 100ml
Toothpaste with Organic Tea Tree 100ml


This triple-effect toothpaste has antiseptic properties that fight tooth decay and leave teeth whiter. It contains tea tree oil, aloe vera, silica and horse chestnut for daily oral hygiene. 

Protects against bacteria, which are the main cause of plaque and tartar. It calms and regenerates the gums and reduces irritation, while its superb lemon-mint flavour refreshes the breath.
Dr. Organic


  • Reference5060176670693
  • Cantidad100 ml
  • MarqueDr. Organic
  • GammeÁrbol de Té

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Dr. Organic Toothpaste with Organic Tea Tree 100ml

Toothpaste with Organic Tea Tree 100ml

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